Dev Log#11

In the final phases of development, we have been working tirelessly on playtesting and making the Sabotage effects the best they can be. This is because we believe that if the PVP element was emphasized then player engagement will go up. We also tweaked the sabotage mechanic to make the person who uses the sabotage card will get the resources of the effecting player. The final playtest we have conducted was a major success where the players would actively use the sabotage cards. This was something that playtester did not do for they just hoarded the sabotage cards instead of using them. However, there were some rules that were missing in the rulebook and that made the playtesters confused. With this feedback, we have made the necessary changes and additions to the rules book. We added more diagrams, clarified wording, and colored the corresponding words. 

There were things that I wanted to change such as the move space art. However, we have clarified in the rulebook that the affected stats are in the bottom middle of the card. 

In terms of the final product, we have ordered all the components we need for the physical version. 

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